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Upholding Melayu Culture South Africa

Upholding Melayu Culture South Africa (UMCSA) aims to preserve anything and everything to do with the Melayu communities of SA.  

Our intention is for this to lead to the improvement and maintaining the Islamic ethos (Qur’an and Sunnah).

Our Aims & Objectives

1st – The preservation of anything and everything to do with the Melayu communities of South Africa leading to the improvement and maintaining the islamic ethos (Qur’an and Sunnah) and reconnecting the malays descendants of South Africa to the original malay people from the Malay archeology (East Asian countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Darus Salaam & Singapore
by reviving the language Bahasa Indonesia / Malayu which was spoken by our forefathers/ancestors (Sheikh Yusuf & Tuan Guru).

2nd – Translation of the historical old kitaabs left by the awliya (kramats) Sheikh Yusuf & all the tuangs etc. Also implementing introduction of books to schools and madaris to promote Bahasa Indonesia (Melayu) culture.

3rd – Promoting traditional Malay halal foods & clothing and traditional Malayu obat (medicines).  Also we will be facilitating, marketing and encouraging traditional Malay historical cultural tours locally (Inter Africa) &
international (East Asian countries)

4th – Our long term aims building of a fully developed eco friendly incubator Malay village and heritage centre that can accommodate every Malay person/ descendants: academic, Islamic, entrepreneural, technolological, social and career-oriented opportunities and bridge it with our asli malay country brothers & sister partners.

5th – Membership: We will conduct a membership system program where any Muslim male / female shall be eligible for membership provided he/she is over 14 years of age and also has interest as of that which is in accordance to the philosophy of umcsa to revive & grow the malay heritage in South Africa.


Executive membership

TM. Nadeem Samuels (CEO)
Shaheed Sampson (Vice CEO)
M. Fauz (Treasurer/ CFO)
M. Touheer Toffie (Secretary)
Insaaf Williams (Assistant Secretary)
Sheikh Abdul Waggie (Assistant Treasurer)

We are currently in the process of registering as a NPO

Our first official guest recieved from the National Technology University of Singapore.

Contact Us

Email Address:

Contact Number:

061 542 1866